Check this link out. I'm not exactly sure if it's a dis or not. They kinda say the same things that I was worried about, going into the exhibition at the Galeries. The thing is though, if we didn't do it at the Galeries, we would have had to pay for everything or organize sponsors to pay for everything. Nor would we have had Joe to curate or a free platform to display our shit. I hope we did our scene justice and I hope everyone is happy with how it turned out. Everybody worked hard and contributed radness.
These are some of the profile pictures I shot of the exhibiting riders that didn't get used. They might get used on the Galeries blog, but you'll see them here 1st! Cause they mine!
Mr Curator- Joe Allan Shea
Stay tuned more to come, it's just super late and I got to go to sleep.
Big Shout out to TGV for lending us the space, The Shop , Joe ( Monsterchildren), BFF Crew , FAZ ( SSS / Domestique ) ,Sable & Argent and All the SSS crew ! We will continue to improve on SSS Ride.